Teste político (logo agora...)
"Your Score
Your scored -5.5 on the Moral Order axis and 4 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism
Variation: Moral Socialism, Extreme Socialism
Ideologies: Activism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (81.12%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (86.56%), John Kerry (71.27%), George W. Bush (38.88%)
Of the 149691 people who took the test:
0.5% had the same score as you.
6.6% were above you on the chart.
90.5% were below you on the chart.
83.8% were to your right on the chart.11.5% were to your left on the chart "
É só um teste mas achei piada. Podem ver aqui.
5 comentários:
Teoria Kiss: manda mail para ossadas@gmai.com e explico tudo. Ou para o suculências.
É Gmail, claro!
Your Score
Your scored -2 on the Moral Order axis and 0 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism, Liberalism
Variation: Moderate Socialism, Moderate Liberalism
Ideologies: Social Democratism, Capital Democratism
US Parties: Democratic Party
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (91.16%)
2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (90.12%), Ralph Nader (81.78%), George W. Bush (61.98%)
Of the 150181 people who took the test:
1.6% had the same score as you.
33.7% were above you on the chart.
54.5% were below you on the chart.
47.7% were to your right on the chart.
31% were to your left on the chart.
tá giro... não diz muita coisa, mas até tá giro...é assim que me vês????
Diz alguma coisa John, se clickares no sistema, ideologia e variações eles explicam o que querem dizer e não se ficam só pelo chavão que às vezes até tem um tom prejurativo (tipo fundamentalismo). E sim John... vejo-te assim, és um gajo moderado e liberal. Acho que votarias Democrata se fosses americano...
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